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New Home / Dreemur Castle



(The elevator is in use.)


*(It’s a golden flower.


*(The way is blocked by two padlocks.)*(There’s a note attached.)


*(Howdy! I'm in the garden.)
*(If you have anything you need to get off your chest, please don't hesitate to come.)
*(The keys are in the kitchen and the hallway.)
*(You'll need both keys to get through.)


*(You unlocked the chain.)
*(There's an old calendar from the end of 201X.) *(A date is circled on it.)


*Seems like gardening tools.
*(There are photo albums...)*(Scrapbooks…)*(Books on how to make tea…)
*The coals are still warm.
*(It’s a great reading chair.)*(But it doesn't seem like anyone uses it.)
*It’s a golden flower.


*(The fridge is full of unopened containers of snails.)
*(There is some white fur stuck in the drain.)
*(It’s a note.)*Howdy! Help yourself to anything you want!
*(You took the key and put it on your phone’s key-chain.)
*(The stove top is very clean.)*(Someone must use fire magic instead.)
*(It’s a trash can.)
*(It’s full of crumpled-up recipes for butterscotch pie.)


*It’s a golden flower.
*It’s a golden flower.
*It’s a golden flower.
*”Room under renovations.”
*(You took the key and put it on your phone’s keychain.
*Despite everything, it’s still you.
*It’s a golden flower.


*(It’s ASGORE’s journal.)*(All the current page says is ‘Nice day today!’)
*(The ink is still almost wet.)
*(It's just a chair.)
*(It’s a king-sized bed.)
*(Macaroni art of a flower.)*(‘For King Dad!’)
*It's a bureau.
*There's a Santa Claus outfit inside.
*It’s a clothes drawer.*There are robes, button-up shirts…
*...and a pink, hand-knit sweater that says 'Mr. Dad Guy.')
*(It's a trophy.)*(Number 1 Nose-Nuzzle Champs '98!)


*(Dusty toys.)
*(It's a twin-sized bed.)
*(There are a lot of striped shirts in here.)
*(It's a family photograph.)*(Everyone is smiling.)
*(It's a drawing of a golden flower.)
*(What a comfortable bed.)*(If you laid down here, you might not ever get up.)
*(You're carrying too much.)
*(There's a worn dagger inside the box.)
*(Will you take it?)

Taken: takeIt
*(You got the Worn dagger.)
*(There's a heart-shaped locket inside the box.)
*(Will you take it?)

Taken: takeIt
*(You got hte Heat-shaped Locket.)
*(The box is empty.)
*(The box is empty.)


*(it's a coffin.)*(There's a name engraved on it.)
*(It's empty.)


*So you finally made it.
*The end of your journey is at hand.
*In a few moments, you will meet the king.
*You will determine the future of this world.
*That's then.
*You will be judged.
*You will be judged for your every action.
*You will be judged for every EXP you've earned.
*What's EXP?
*It's an acronym.
*It stands for "execution points."
*A way of quantifying the pain you have inflicted on others.
*When you kill someone, your EXP increases.
*When you have enough EXP, your LOVE increases.
*LOVE, too, is an acronym.
*It stands for "Level of Violence."
*A way of measuring someone's capacity to hurt.
*The more you kill, the easier it becomes to distance yourself.
*The more you distance yourself, the less you will hurt.
*The more easily you can bring yourself to hurt others.

Killed: monstersKilled
*Now you understand.
*It's time to begin your judgment.
*Look inside yourself.
*Have you really done the right thing?
*And, considering what you've done...
*What will you do now?
*Take a moment to think about this.
*Truthfully, it doesn't really matter what you said.
*all that's important is that you were honest with yourself.
*what happens now...
*we leave up to you.


Killed: papyrus
*one thing about you always struck me as kinda odd.
*now, I understand acting in self defense.
*you were thrown into those situations against your will.
*you act like you know what's going to happen.
*like you've already experienced it all before.
*this is an odd thing to say, but...
*if you have some sort of special power...
*isn't it your responsibility to do the right thing?
*well, that's your viewpoint.
*I won't judge you for it.
*You dirty brother killer.
*I see.
*Then why'd you kill my brother?


Throne Room.


*Dum deed um...
*Oh?*Is someone there?
*Just a moment!
*I have almost finished watering these flowers.
*...Here we are!
*Howdy!*How can I...
*I so badly want to say, "would you like a cup of tea?"
*You know how it is.
*Nice day today, huh?
*Birds are singing, flowers are blooming...
*Perfect weather for a game of catch.
*You know what we must do.
*When you are ready, come into the next room.


*(It's a throne.)
*(It's another throne covered by a white sheet.)


*How tense...
*Just think of it like...
*A visit to the dentist.
*Are you ready?
*If you are not, I understand.
*I am not ready either.


*This is the barrier.
*This is what keeps us all trapped underground.
*If by chance you have any unfinished business...
*Please do what you must.
*... I see...
*This is it, then.
*I see.
*Anything you want to do is important enough.
*Even something as small as reading a book, or taking a walk...
*Please take your time.
*Oh... *Back so soon?
*How are you feeling?
*I see.
*Do what you have to.


Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS
One day, they all disappeared without a trace.


Flowey LV999 999:99
My world