New Home Pacifist New Home View *(The door is jammed shut with vines.) Post-Asriel Fight *I’m so sorry. *I always was a crybaby wasn’t I, Chara? *… *… I know * You’re not actually Chara, are you? *Chara’s been gone for a long time. *… *Um… what… *What IS your name? *… *”(Insert Character Name)?” *That’s… *A nice name. *… *(Insert Character Name)… *I haven’t felt like this for a long time. *As a flower, I was soulless. *I lacked the power to love other people. *However, with everyone’s souls inside me… *I not only have my own compassion back… *But I can feel every other monster’s as well. *They all care about each other so much. *And… they care about you too, (Insert Character Name.) *… *I wish I could tell you how everyone feels about you. *Papyrus… Sans… Undyne… Alphys… *… Toriel *Monsters are weird. *Even though they barely know you… *It feels like they all really love you. *Haha. *… *(Insert Character Name)… I… *I understand if you can’t forgive me. *I understand if you hate me. * I acted so strange and horrible. *I hurt you. *I hurt so many people. *Friends, family, bystanders… *There’s no excuse for what I’ve done. FORGIVE DO NOT Forgive *Wh… what? *… (Insert Character Name), come on. *You’re… *You’re gonna make me cry again. *… besides, even if you do forgive me… Do Not *… right. *I understand. *I just hope that… *I can make up for it a little right now. Barrier Destruction *I can’t keep these souls insides of me. *The least I can do is return them. *But first… *There’s something I have to do. *Right now, I can feel everyone’s hearts beating as one. *They’re all burning with the same desire. *With everyone’s power… *With everyone’s determination… *It’s time for monsters… *To finally go free. The barrier was destroyed. *(Insert Character Name)… *I have to go now. *Without the power of everyone’s souls… *I can’t keep maintaining this form. *In a little while… *I’ll turn back into a flower. *I’ll stop being “myself.” *I’ll stop being able to feel love again. *So… (Insert Character Name). *It’s best if you just forget about me, OK? *Just go be with the people who love you. COMFORT HIM DO NOT Comfort him *Ha… ha… *I don’t want to let go… Asriel Leaves *(Insert Character Name)… *You’re… *You’re going to do a great job, OK? *No matter what you do. *Everyone will be there for you, okay? *Well… *My time’s running out. *Goodbye. *By the way… *(Insert Character Name). *… take care of Mom and Dad for me, OK? Bad Dream (Insert Character Name)! This is all just a bad dream…! Please, wake up…! Barrier Entrance *Oh! *You are awake! *Thank goodness! *W-we were so worried…! *It felt like you were out forever! *Yeah! Any longer and I would have freaked out! *Tell us next time you decide to take a nap, okay!? *yeah. *you made papyrus cry like a baby. WHAT!! I DIDN’T CRY!!! I DON’T CRY!! I JUST… CAUGHT SOMETHING IN MY EYE. *what did you catch? TEARS!!! *Now, now. *The important part is that (Insert Character Name) is all right. *Here, (Insert Character Name). *Why not drink some tea? *It’ll make you feel better. *Errr… *How about we give them space, first? *They must be very exhausted. *Though, from what, I am not certain. *(insert Character Name)… *We do not remember exactly what happened. *There was a flower… *And then, everything went white. *But now the barrier is gone. *When you are ready, we will all return to the surface. *It seems the door to the east will lead us there now. *But before then… *Perhaps you might want to take a walk? *You can say goodbye to all of your wonderful friends. *Do as you wish. *We will all wait for you here. Talk to Toriel *Hello, (Insert Character Name). (Alphys upgraded my phone. *I am having a lot of fun with the “texting” feature. * Sans, “check out” this one. *oh man, tori… *that’s brutal. I CAN’T BELIEVE THE QUEEN HAS RETURNED… AND ALSO THAT SHE’S A HUGE DORK!!! YOU TWO ARE TWO FEET AWAY FROM EACH OTHER!!! WHY ARE YOU TEXTING!!! *Worry not, Papyrus. *We are texting for a good reason. WHY IS THAT. *well. *cause we’re huge dorks. *Sans, please do not say that. *You are not a dork. *You are more of a bonehead! HAHAHA, WOW! THOSE PUNS ARE EVEN LESS FUNNY COMING FROM HER! *then why are you smiling? IT’S A PITY SMILE!!! *(Insert Character Name), do not feel left out. *I have been writing messages to you as well! *You still have my phone number after all this time… *Do you not? *(Insert Character Name), how about you go look around before we all go? *Seeing how many good friends you’ve made here… *I am almost certain you must have made some more. Talk to Sans Called Toriel Mom *oh hey, what’s up, (Insert Character Name)? *we were just talking about you. *apparently you asked to call tori “mom” right after meeting her? *Well, it was not RIGHT after. *It took a couple minutes. *(Insert Character Name)… *i gotta tell ya. *that’s, uh, not the best way to get to know someone. IT’S NOT??? *Papyrus, we’ve been over this. WHATEVER MOM!!! *Don’t talk back to me like that! *Go to your room, Papyrus! OK UNDYE. *Wait! *Don’t ACTUALLY go to your room!! I’M GETTING MIXED MESSAGES HERE!!! Called Toriel Mom and Flirted *hey, (Insert Character Name), what’s with that weird expression? *Sans, did I tell you about the time (Insert Character Name) flirted with me…? *And then asked to call me “mother?” *oh boy. WOW, (INSERT CHARACTER NAME)… THIS REALLY PUTS OUR RELATIONSHIP IN A NEW LIGHT. * hey, tori, do you have any other embarrassing stories? *Oh, do I ever! *But, I think that story is one of the most unbelievable. *It is hard to think anyone would want to flirt with me. *Ehehe… *Ehehehe… *AHA! AHAHAH! *HA!! HA!!! *Oh, Toriel. *You have NO idea. No Calls To Toriel *(Insert Character Name), tori was telling me how she made b’scotch pie for you. *Oh, I should bake it for everyone sometime. *… *(O-oh, that sounds REALLY good.) COOKING??? CAN I HELP? *Wait a second!!! *Can I help too !? *Certainly! *It would be fun to cook together! *(On second thought, maybe I’ll o-order a pizza.) *sorry… *i don’t have time to talk, (Insert Character Name). *i’m supposed to be working right now. BUT YOU AREN’T WORKING!!! *i know, and it’s taking all my concentration. Talk to Papyrus SO, ASGORE… HOW ABOUT MAKING ME A MEMBER OF THE ROYAL GUARD? *Well, Papyrus, now that the war is over… *We might not need the Royal Guard anymore. WHAT!? THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THE HUMAN’S QUEST!? THEY JOURNEYED ALL THAT WAY… AND I’M STILL NOT A MEMBER OF THE ROYAL GUARD!? TRULY, THIS IS THE WORST POSSIBLE ENDING. IT SEEMS LIKE YOU REALLY BOTCHED YOUR QUEST, (INSERT CHARACTER NAME). BUT, I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS… WILL ALWAYS BE YOUR FRIEND!!! *no matter how hard you try to get rid of him. HEY! THAT’S TRUE. (INSERT CHARACTER NAME), WHY DON’T YOU TAKE A WALK AROUND? *(Insert Character Name), why don’t you fly? *it’s faster. YEAH, (INSERT CHARACTER NAME), WHY DON’T YOU FLY? *Hmmm… Flying sounds a little dangerous. *But they CAN’T fly. *Not with THAT attitude! (INSERT CHARACTER NAME)… TAKE A HIKE. HIKING IS GOOD FOR YOUR BONES. Talk to Undyne *So, Alphys… *What do you want to do now that we’re all free? *We have the whole world to explore now. *W-well, of course I’m going to go out and… *Um… *No, I should be honest!!! *I’m gonna stay inside and watch anime like a total loser! THAT’S THE SPIRIT! EVERYONE!!! A CELEBRATION!!! TO BEING LOSERS!!! *Heh. *Papyrus has the right idea. *Losing to (Insert Character Name) is the best thing to ever happen to me. *So I’m glad that we… *Huh? *What is it, Asgore? *Um… what’s an… *… anime? *(Oh My God?) *((Insert Character Name). Please.) *(Help me explain what anime is to Asgore.) *Y-you see, it’s like a cartoon, but… WITH SWORD’S WITH GUN’S With sword’s *So it’s like a cartoon… *But with swords? With Gun’s *So it’s like a cartoon… *But with guns? *Gollyl! *That sounds neato! *Where is this? *Where can I see the Anime. *H-hold on, uh… *I think I have some on my phone. *Here, l-look at this! *… *…Oh, uh… *Um… that’s the… *That’s the wrong… *Uh, nevermind. *Golly. *Were those two robots… *… kissing? *Boy! *Technology sure is something, isn’t it? *Eheheh… yeah! *It sure is! *Hey, Alphys! *Alphys! *Do you think we can watch something with fighting next? *Oh, and then… *Something… *With princesses!? *Or FIGHTING princesses!? *I-I’ll see if I can manage to find any like that, Undyne. *yayyyyy! *Hey (Insert Character Name), why don’t you go say hi to Napstablook? *Oh, tell them I said hi, too! Talk to Alphys *I sure am excited to finally use the human internet. *I bet they have all sorts of things Undyne and I can watch! *Oh man!!! *We’re gonna be able to watch anime online!? *Of course, Undyne! *What do you think we’ve been fighting for all along? *yeah, what do you… *whoops. *Jinx! *I knew you were gonna make that joke! WAIT, ALPHYS, I DIDN’T KNOW YOU KNEW SANS. *Well… *I… *doesn’t everybody? *Who the hell is Sans? *… *Who the HECK is Sans? *TORIEL!?!?! *Psst… *(Insert Character Name). *Um, you’ve gotta tell me. *D…do you think Asgore and Toriel are..? *Uh, ever gonna get back together? YEAH NOPE Yeah *Y-yeah!!! *Yeah, that’s what I hope, too. *Just think about how cute they must have been together. *It’s quickly becoming my number one ship of all time. *Tori and Gorey… *My… *My old boss and his ex-wife. *… uh, that sounds a lot less cool all of a sudden. Nope *… yeah, that’s what I thought. *A woman can dream though, right? *And write fanfiction. *A LOT of fanfiction. Post it Online *On second thought, maybe I WONT write fanfic of real people. *I mean, isn’t real life already the greatest fanfiction of all? *Uh, don’t tell anyone I said that. *Cause I’m gonna post it online! * Hey (Insert Character Name), why don’t you go look for Mettaton? *He was here for a while, too… *But he said he had to go somewhere. Talk to Asgore *Howdy, (Insert Character Name). *Sorry about almost trying to take you SOUL. *I feel very bad about it. *I hope we can still be pals. *Hey, don’t worry about it, ASGORE. *I think everybody’s tried to kill (Insert Character Name) at least once. *Oh… I see! *In that case. I’m not sorry, (Insert Character Name). *ASGORE! *That’s not what I meant! *(Insert Character Name)! *I just realized! *Now that we aren’t fighting each other… *I can finally ask you… *”Would you like a cup of tea?” *… *Would you like a cup of tea? YES NO Yes *Oh! *Well! *Actually, the cup I had is cold now. *So you shouldn’t have it. *But, I am so happy you said yes. *As soon as I can, I will make some more for you. *Then we can be great pals. No *Oh… *Okay. *(Insert Character Name)! Stop! *You’re breaking his big burly heart! *Um, it’s OK, Undyne. *My heart’s already broken. *ASGORE! STOP! *YOU’RE BREAKING MY BIG BURLY HEART! *Y-yeah, Asgore. *Don’t break Undyne’s heart. *That’s my job. *OH MY GOD! *YOU’RE GOING BACK IN THE TRASH!!! CAN I GO IN THE TRASH TOO? *Sure, Papyrus. *guess i have to go in the trash too. *Oh, may I enter the trash as well? *Uh, okay? *Am I invited to the trash? *SURE!!! *WHY NOT!!! *On second thought, do not put me in the trash. *Oh… *OH MY GOD!!! *Oh, (Insert Character Name), if you’re not busy… *On nice days, you should walk around and have a good time. *That’s important. Coffins *(The coffin is empty…?) *(You didn’t notice before, but there’s something like…) *(…mummy wrappings at the bottom of it.) Asgore’s Room *(It’s ASGORE’s journal.) *(All the current page says is ‘Nice day today!’) *(The ink’s dry now.) Final Exit *(If you leave here, your adventure will really be over.) *(Your friends will follow you out of the underground.) DON’T LEAVE IM READY Surface *Oh my… *Isn’t it beautiful, everyone? *Wow… it’s e-even better than on TV. *WAY better! *Better than I ever imagined! *(Insert Character Name), you LIVE with this!? *The sunlight is so nice… and the air is so fresh! *I really feel alive! HEY SANS… WHAT’S THAT GIANT BALL? *We call that “the sun,” my friend. THAT’S THE SUN!? WOWIE!!! I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M FINALLY MEETING THE SUN!!! *I could stand here and watch this for hours… *Yes, it is beautiful, is it not? *But we should really think about what comes next. *Oh, right. *Everyone... *This is the beginning of a bright new future. *An era of peace between humans and monsters. *(Insert Character Name)… *I have something to ask of you. *I have something to ask of you. *Will you act as our ambassador to the humans? *(Be the ambassador?) YES NO Yes YEAH! (INSERT CHARACTER NAME) WILL BE THE BEST AMBASSADOR! AND I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS… WILL BE THE BEST MASCOT! I’LL GO MAKE A GOOD FIRST IMPRESSION! No IT’S OK (INSERT CHARACTER NAME)! I’VE GOT YOU COVERED! IF YOU DON’T WANT TO BE THE AMBASSADOR… I CAN DO IT FOR YOU!!! I’LL GO MAKE A GOOD FIRST IMPRESSION! Friends Leave *welp. *someone’s gotta keep him from getting into trouble. *see you guys. *Man, do I have to do EVERYTHING? *Papyrus, wait!!! *Hey, Undyne!! *Wait up!! *Whoops. *Uh, should I do something? *… *Well, gotta go! *It seems that everyone is quite eager to set off. *(Insert Character Name) *You came from this world, right…? *So you must have a place to return to do you not? *What will you do now? I WANT TO STAY WITH YOU I HAVE PLACES TO GO I Want to Stay With You *What? *(Insert Character Name)… *You really are a funny child. *If you had said that earlier, none of this would have happened. *It is a good thing you took so long to change your mind. *Hee hee hee. *Well… *I suppose. *If you really do not have any other place to go… *I will do my best to take care of you, for as long as you need. *All right? *Now, come along. *Everyone is waiting for us! I Have Places To Go *Ah. *… I see. *… *Well, I hope that I am not keeping you. *(Insert Character Name). *”See you around.”